Raising awareness of organ donation in the Finger Lakes NY

CANANDAIGUA, NY — UR Medicine Thompson Health and the nonprofit organization Donate Life New York State are teaming up to raise awareness of the lifesaving impact made by organ, eye and tissue donors.
The goal is to encourage members of the community to consider enrolling in the New York State Donate Life Registry.
How will awareness of organ donation be raised?
On Wednesday, April 10, Thompson staff members will raise a Donate Life flag on the flag pole just outside the Constellation Center for Health and Healing at F.F. Thompson Hospital. The flag will fly through April 30.
The Department of Motor Vehicles in Canandaigua also is raising a flag from April 10 to the end of the month.
NY organ donation statistics
While more than 3,000 lifesaving organ transplants were performed in the state last year, nearly 8,500 New Yorkers remain on the national organ transplant waiting list.
In 2021, 465 patients awaiting an organ transplant in New York state died because the organ needed to save their lives was not donated in time.
A single organ donor can save up to eight lives, while tissue and cornea donors can improve more than 75 lives.
What else is UR Medicine Thompson Health doing?
Thompson has a long history of supporting organ, eye and tissue donation through a partnership with a regional organ procurement organization and the multidisciplinary team of associates who dedicate time to the Donate Life Workgroup, stated ICU/Observation Nursing Director Mary Kate Corey, who oversees the Donate Life Workgroup at Thompson.
This workgroup meets throughout the year to review data, update policies and procedures, ensure compliance with best practices and educate associates.
“Many of us involved in the workgroup have a personal connection to organ, eye, or tissue donation. We understand the magnitude of the lifesaving gifts donors provide and the comfort loved ones feel when they learn that gifts were successfully placed with recipients,” Corey stated. “Any of us, or our loved ones, could be in need of a treatment or procedure supported by donation in the future. The generous gifts of registered donors change countless lives each day.”
Five ways to enroll in the Donate Life Registry
Seven million New Yorkers have already enrolled in the New York State Donate Life Registry, the state’s electronic database that documents a person’s authorization to be an organ, eye and/or tissue donor upon their death.
New Yorkers who haven’t already enrolled have several opportunities to do so.
1. Check “yes” in the “New York State Organ and Tissue Donation” section when applying for or renewing your driver’s license, learner permit or non-driver ID. The DMV will transmit your enrollment to the Registry and print a heart icon and the words “Organ Donor” on your photo document.
2. Sign up through the MyDMV website at dmv.ny.gov/mydmv/mydmv-0 using your NY.gov login credentials. The DMV will transmit your enrollment to the registry, but a heart icon and the words “Organ Donor” will not be printed on your photo document.
3. Enroll online in minutes by visiting the Registry’s website at donatelife.ny.gov.
4. Complete the optional “Register to donate your organs and tissues” section on the back of your New York voter registration form. Your county Board of Elections will forward that page of the form to the New York State Donate Life Registry.
5. Check “yes” to the organ and tissue donation question when applying for health insurance through the New York State of Health Online Insurance Marketplace at nystateofhealth.ny.gov.
Additionally, New Yorkers can show their support for organ and tissue donation by purchasing a “Life-Pass It On” custom license plate from the DMV or making a voluntary $1 contribution to organ transplant research, education and donation promotion projects by checking off the box when applying for or renewing their driver’s license, learner permit or non-driver ID.