Local family meets the man who received their loved one’s heart after organ donation

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) – A young man’s ultimate sacrifice gives life to another man looking for a second chance.
Elijah Moore was still in his teens when he was killed in a tragic workplace accident. His last act was to give his heart and tissue to help save others. Because of his decision, four families now have renewed hope and a chance to continue on. Friday, one of those families wanted to say thank you.
There was a nervous tension in the air. In this small conference room every time there was movement at the door, all eyes came up. This was going to be a meeting, no one would ever forget. A meeting that brought back a flood of memories, especially the call Elijah Moore’s mother got on that horrible day.
“Elijah, he’s hurt. Uncle Chad says we need to get to the hospital,” Elijah’s mother, Heather Seagle, said
But what happened to her son, turned into a living nightmare. Elijah was filling a tire at work when the unthinkable happened.
“The tire exploded and it hit him in the chest,” she said.
Despite emergency treatment, the damage was too great, and days later Elijah lost his battle. But his last act and what he’ll be remembered for was his final gift.
“Elijah was already an organ donor on his license,” his mother explained.
He made the decision to donate his organs in case the worst happened. Medical teams from LifeShare say Elijah was able to save four lives with his sacrifice, and one of those was about to walk in the door.
“Here we are…getting to meet Christopher,” said Seagle.
Christopher Lyon has a condition that was damaging his heart and desperately needed a new one. It was Elijah’s heart Christopher got. Now, it was time for the families to come together, and share emotions few will ever experience.
Hugs came before introductions. A beautiful moment shared between strangers, who aren’t so different anymore.
“I wanted to make the journey and thank this family for what they’ve done for me,” Christopher Lyon said.
They exchanged pictures and memories, and some very special gifts literally straight from the heart.
A teddy bear with a recording of Elijah’s heart now pumping through Christopher’s chest.
“That’s awesome,” Seagle said.
And another token of appreciation. The chance to hear Elijah’s heartbeat. Heather was given a stethoscope and the chance to reconnect with her son.
“Thank you,” Seagle told Lyon.
Elijah’s Grandmother became overwhelmed with emotion when it was her turn, knowing her Grandson in a way, is always close to her heart.
“That’s a part of me now,” Lyon said.
This won’t be the last time these two families see each other. Plans are already in the works for the Moore family to head up to Ohio next year to walk with Christopher in an organ donation 5K.
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