Jenks family advocates for organ donation after daughter’s death saved five

TULSA, Okla. — Ascension St. John Transplant Center said 230 patients in Tulsa need a kidney.
One family is advocating for more people to consider becoming organ donors.
Katie Young, 28, died in December. After her death, she saved five lives by donating her organs. Something her friends and family told 2 News is what she wanted all along.
“Like I said, she was a giver. I think it’s what she would have wanted,” Lauren Regal, Katie’s best friend, explained who she was to 2 News.
Katie was a Jenks native. Her mom, Kathy Young, told us she lived life to the fullest and loved everyone she met.

Lauren Regal
Katie passed right before Christmas, and her mother gave her permission to donate her organs. Then, on Christmas Eve, five patients’ lives were saved.
At first, Kathy wasn’t sure if Katie would save anyone’s life because of her petite figure.
We spoke with Crystal Yancey, the Manager of Clinical Operations for LifeShare Oklahoma, she said just about anyone can be a donor.
“Age, sex, race, none of that is a rule out for an organ donation. All of that is evaluated at the time you are going to pass away,” Yancey said.
From LifeShare, one organ donor can save up to eight lives. The lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, intestines, and eyes are those organs.
Tissue donations can save up to 75 lives.
We asked Katie’s friends and family how they felt knowing that Katie saved lives even though she was no longer with them.

Lauren Regal
“It brought me peace on Christmas Eve. I don’t know how you all felt when you heard. But it put a little band-aid on everything for a minute. Because that’s just so Katie,” Kathy Young said.
Yancey told us decisions like donating organs can be difficult for families, but that is why the donor needs to discuss with their families before.
“Giving the gift of donation is very selfless, and it is very supportive to be able to live on and leave a legacy,” Yancey said.
Ascension St. Johns has a transplant center focused primarily on kidney donations, which people can be living donors when it comes to kidney donation.
In Oklahoma, over 800 patients are waiting for a donation.
Katie’s mom, Kathy, told us if we are considering being an organ donor, we should think of Katie and how many lives she saved so others can live their lives to the fullest, like her daughter.
To register to become an organ donor go to LifeShare Oklahoma or to your local DMV. For more information on Ascension St. John Transplant Center, click here.
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