February 16, 2025

Healt Hid

Because health is very important to us

How To Ensure Quality At The End Of Life

How To Ensure Quality At The End Of Life

Most people want the end of their life to be as peaceful and as painless as possible. With our “do everything” medical system, most seriously ill people are provided aggressive care long past the point of any chance they will return to a meaningful quality of life. How can you keep that from happening? In this article, I discuss measures you can take to ensure a better quality of life at the end of life when you can no longer speak for yourself.

The purpose of advance medical directives is to provide your family and health care providers with information about your health care decisions should you no longer have the capability to direct your choices. Most advance directive forms are generic – if you have a terminal illness, an end-stage illness, or are brain dead, you request that any life prolonging treatment be withheld. Advance directives leave much to interpretation, which may mean your wishes won’t be followed. This often leads to poor quality of life and increased suffering at the end of life. A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine documents that the medical system continues to do a poor job reducing suffering at the end of life despite the use of advance medical directives.

An additional approach is to have a well-informed health care surrogate. A very important point – a health care surrogate only speaks for you when you are not able to communicate your wishes. Although the health care surrogate should follow your living will, the decisions of the health care surrogate can potentially supersede your living will. In addition to making decisions where a living will applies, they can also make health care decisions for you when the end of life requirements needed to activate a living will are not yet in place. Even with a health care surrogate, there are steps you should take to make certain your wishes are followed.

Picking Your Health Care Surrogate 

In picking a person to be your health care surrogate, you will need to consider a few items.

  • Is the person you choose willing to do the job? If you develop a serious illness, the work they do may be time consuming.
  • Do they understand your health care choices? The burden is on you to share your choices with your health care surrogate. How to do this will be discussed shortly.
  • Is your health care surrogate willing to follow your choices? If someone loves you very much, they may not have the fortitude to end treatment that is keeping you alive. Occasionally, there may be financial needs that may color your health care surrogate’s decisions. Make certain the person you choose can manage these conflicts.
  • Is your health care surrogate assertive enough to stand up to the health care system so that your wishes are followed? This is vital. The health care setting can be very intimidating and well-meaning health care professionals can unintentionally coerce decisions that would not be in your best interest. The default in medicine is to do as much as possible. A surrogate armed with the right information needs to be able to stand up for you in these challenging situations.

Understanding Your Health Care Wishes

How do you make certain your health care surrogate is armed with the right information? The critical step is to be clear in your wishes – not so much in the type of treatment you want but more in the quality of life you desire. We’ve all heard of experiences where people end up in terrible situations – living in nursing homes for years with severe dementia, serious head injuries, or permanent disabilities from horrific accidents. Most of us say, “If I ever end up like that, let me die,” and leave it at that. There are two problems with this approach:

  • You may change your mind once you are actually in that situation.
  • If your wishes are not documented, your family will go through angst trying to figure out what you really want.

When serious illness occurs, doctors offer multiple choices for treatment. In the quest to live, some people and their families want everything and anything done. However, at some point, quality of life may deteriorate to the point that “doing everything” will be more harmful than beneficial. By considering the quality of life that is important to you in advance, you and your family can better determine what treatments are appropriate.

In our financial planning practice, we asked clients which physical and mental abilities were so important to them, that if they lost these functions permanently, they would no longer want to be kept alive. Our group came up with four:

  • Communication – the two parts to communication are understanding and expressing. All clients except one stated that if they could no longer understand what was going on around them or would permanently lose their ability to state their wishes, they would want to receive only palliative care to keep them comfortable. One client was content not being able to express her wishes, as long as she was able to understand everything going on about her. Her husband had died of ALS, which causes this type of scenario. Because of her familiarity with this situation, she was comfortable experiencing it herself.
  • Eating – the three parts to eating are knowing you are hungry, getting food to your mouth, and swallowing food. Most of our clients did not want to be kept alive if these functions were permanently lost. Swallowing was the most important – losing the ability to swallow means you would need a feeding tube placed in your stomach if you are to survive.
  • Grooming – this function received mixed comments from our group. Many were comfortable with others helping with bathing, brushing their hair, and brushing their teeth. Most were not satisfied with losing the ability to toilet. (This is actually my touchstone – if the doctor says I can no longer wipe my own rear-end, then I want to be moved immediately to comfort care. My rationale is that to wipe myself, I need to use my head to know I need to wipe, and my hands to do the actual wiping. Although many people are quite happy as quadriplegics, I would prefer to head on to heaven and throw my javelin in the after-world.)
  • Interaction – one client said, “Don’t park me in the corner.” If he wasn’t aware enough to participate in daily activities, he would not want anything to extend his life. For example, I had one patient in the nursing home who daily was placed in her wheelchair across from the nursing station. Anytime someone walked in front of her, she would scream, “Get out of the road.” That was the extent of her communication. Most people would not want to be in this situation.

Think about what is important to you. What could you absolutely not live without? Share these thoughts with all your loved ones. Remember, you can change your wishes anytime while you are still able to communicate. The travesty occurs when you lose your ability to communicate and no one truly understands what quality of life is important to you.

Here is a link to a form I’ve created to help you codify your quality of life choices in writing. This is not a legal document and works as an adjunct to your formal directives. Provide this form and any explanations of your wishes to your health care surrogate to help guide them in their decision making process. Discuss this with your entire family because your health care surrogate will need their support.

Quality of Life Advance Directive Form by forbesadmin

Prepare Your Health Care Surrogate

Now that you have thought through your desired quality of life, share this with your health care surrogate and your family. In addition, make certain they have a copy of your formal advance directive and health care surrogate documentation.

If you have not prepared formal advance directives, now is the time to do so. Ideally, you should have all your estate planning documents prepared by an attorney. However, an attorney is not required to complete an advance directive and to name your health care surrogate. Many forms are available on the internet. One of my favorite is produced by Aging with Dignity – their Five Wishes® is accepted in 42 states. If Five Wishes® is not accepted in your state, search the internet for “Free advance directive form in ______ state” to obtain the appropriate document.

What Does Your Health Care Surrogate Do When You Become Seriously Ill?

Now that your surrogate is armed with information, they can better handle what the health care system throws their way. When serious illness occurs, it typically follows an unpredictable path. There will be periods of stability combined with urgent situations that require quick decision making. Doctors will offer many options for care.

Let’s review how your health care surrogate should handle this situation.

  • Armed with a copy of health care surrogate documentation, advance directives, and the quality of life directives, the health care surrogate discusses the situation with all family members.
  • The health care surrogate meets with the health care team and shares the quality of life requirements, and states from the outset that any treatment considered must be performed with the desired quality of life outcomes in mind. If the patient has no chance for desired quality to be restored, than the treatment should be withheld. Of course, care to keep the patient comfortable and pain free is always required.
  • If the health care team approaches the surrogate to consent to any treatment, the surrogate and the health care team should use the desired quality of life outcomes to determine if the treatment is appropriate for the patient.

By requiring care based on quality of life instead of “life at all costs,” we can live our last days more comfortably and save our family significant grief and resources. Be certain to complete your quality of life directives and share them with your surrogate and family as soon as possible.


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